The Hustle Begins

First thing’s first; I’m not perfect.

In 2019, I did a lot, but also did nothing. I did a lot of nothing, so to speak. I lied and cheated to friends, family, but more importantly, myself. Here’s the deal.. I became extraordinary at lying this past year. I became so great at lying, I developed the art of lying to myself. That sounds great, right? No, lying is only temporary. Lying will always come to light. I’ve watched motivational videos and successful-person interviews for countless hours on YouTube. I have become inspired and motivated. I’ve made plans and schedules to become successful myself. I’ve lied to myself and sold myself short, a lot. I started dreams, not goals.

Today is January 5th, 2020. I’m coming into this decade with a chip on my shoulder and a vengeance. I find myself watching videos of successful people again: Kevin Hart, Rich Froning, Gary Vee, etcetera, whatever, the list goes on. What is the one thing all of them have in common? Hustle. Kevin Hart doesn’t feel right if he doesn’t wake up early and workout. Rich Froning refuses to sit down and quit. Gary Vee straight up doesn’t give a $#!t. They all make it look so easy. No one sees everything though. The camera doesn’t pick up their failures prior to fame. The interviewers didn’t see them grind. No one saw them quit. Believe me, when no one is watching, it’s really easy to quit.

The hustle is what sets successful people above everyone else. Hustle is waking up with a hunger to attack the day. Hustle is selling yourself a dream and making it into a goal. Once hustlers have a goal they eat, sleep, think, believe the dream. Hustlers are possessed by the dream. Hustlers believe it, when no one else believes it. Hustlers aren’t just born though; they are forged. If you’re used to giving 50 percent, it will be tough to give 100 percent. If you’re used to waking up when you feel ready, it will be hard to wake up at five in the morning. If you’re used to being ordinary, it will be scary to attempt being extraordinary.

This year, I’m different. I’m waking up hungry. I’m appreciating the blessings God has given me. I’m taking care of my body, my mind, and my spirit. I’m grinding through the hard moments, and soaking in the easy ones. I’m doing things that make me uncomfortable; getting comfortable with being uncomfortable. I’m loving the people around me and making an effort more often. I’m thinking of others before myself. I’m done selling short the people who are invested in me. I’m done lying to people, and more importantly myself. I’m hustling this year, because 2020 will be different. In 2020, I’m doing a lot, but a lot of something.

“May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.

Galatians 6:14